My research career began with a study of population dynamics of lizards in the deserts of West Texas. Though later I moved to other fields, I have recurrently returned to questions related to population biology, evolutionary theory, and ecological adaptations. Thus, ecology and evolution are the oldest and longest theme in my history as a scientist. My major contributions to this field include:
Below are my major publications in evolution and ecology, with notable contributions to the field indicated by asterisks.
*Beck, C.H.M. and L.N. Irwin. 2021. The Evolutionary Imperative: Why Change Happens, Where It Leads, and How We Might Survive. Bloomington, IN.: Xlibris Publishing
*Irwin, L.N. 1965. Diel activity and social interaction in the lizard Uta stansburiana stejnegeri. Copeia. 1965: 99-101.
*Tinkle, D.W. and L.N. Irwin. 1965. Lizard reproduction: refractory period and response to warmth in Uta stansburiana females. Science. 148: 1613-1614.
*Irwin, L.N. and C.C. Irwin. 1979. Phylogenetic and regional variation of ganglioside patterns from brains of tetrapods. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 64B: 121-123.
Irwin, L.N. 1982. Ganglioside variations in amphibian brain tissue. Biochem. System. Ecol. 10: 257-261.
Irwin, L.N. and K. Schwartz. 1983. Amphibian brain gangliosides: pattern analysis by two dimensional thin layer chromatography. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 76B: 649-651.
Gross, S.K., R.H. McCluer, and L.N. Irwin. 1986. Glucosylceramide in the androgen-responsive kidney of the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Arch Biochem Biophys. 274: 446-469.
*Irwin, L.N. and K. Talentino. 1990. Brain ganglioside patterns and effect of thermal acclimation in North American salamanders. Compar. Biochem. Physiol. 96B: 471-473.
Irwin, L.N., K.A. Talentino, and D.A. Caruso. 1998. Nutritional requirements and metabolism of juvenile axolotls: effect of fasting and thermal acclimation. Exp Biol Online 3: 1
*Avrova, N.F. and Irwin, L. 2002. Nobie podkodii k analyzy variatsii sostaba gangliozidob mozga, sbyazannih s idioadaptatsiyami i aromorfozom pozvonochni [New approaches to analysis of variations in brain ganglioside composition related to idioadaptations and aromorphosis of vertebrates] Zhur. Evolutz. Biochim. Physiol. 38: 543-551.
Pope-Delatorre, H., S. Das, Irwin, L.N. 2005. Uptake of [3H]-Gangliosides by an Intestinal Protozoan, Giardia lamblia. Parasitol. Res. 96: 102-106.
Schulze-Makuch, D., B. Laval, L.N. Irwin. 2012. The rise of complexity: Pavilion Lake microbialites suggest a pathway toward macroorganismic communities. Hypoth. Life Sci. 2: 55-59.
Schulze-Makuch, D., D. Lim , B. Laval, C. Turse, M. Resendes de Sousa António, O. Chan, S. B. Pointing, A. Brady, D. Reid, L. N. Irwin. 2012. Pavilion Lake microbialites: morphological, molecular, and biochemical evidence for a cold-water transition to colonial aggregates. Life 2: 1-x manuscripts; doi:10.3390/life20x000x
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